algorithms exam info reqd.
(too old to reply)
Hemant Bains
2003-10-11 06:38:26 UTC
i will be very thankful if somebody could please tell some site where
i could get the material (solved questions)for preparing "design and
anlysis of algorithms" exam for CS GRE.
2003-10-13 22:42:34 UTC
Post by Hemant Bains
i will be very thankful if somebody could please tell some site where
i could get the material (solved questions)for preparing "design and
anlysis of algorithms" exam for CS GRE.
I don't know of any site that has solved questions on algorithm
design and analysis, but I know of a really good book that I am using
to prepare for the CS GRE, "Introduction to Algorithms" by Thomas H.
Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest and Clifford Stein
check this link out http://mitpress.mit.edu/catalog/item/default.asp?ttype=2&tid=8570.
If you plan to buy it, don't buy on this site I got mine for cheap at
half.com. The book is pretty good in doing analysis including
recursive algorithm analysis, master theorem, has some generic steps
on designing. If you're really thinking of sticking with CS this book
is helpfull in lots of ways, includes data structures.

2003-11-03 22:51:01 UTC
Post by Hemant Bains
i will be very thankful if somebody could please tell some site where
i could get the material (solved questions)for preparing "design and
anlysis of algorithms" exam for CS GRE.
As it turns out, there are some problem sets and solutions for MIT's
algorithms class online:


There are some exams and solutions online as well:


I would recommend at least trying to solve as many problems in the
book (INTRODUCTION TO ALGORITHMS) as possible, not just for the CS GRE
but for general understanding of algorithm analysis. Also, years ago,
when I ran into problems I couldn't solve, I was able to get some help
from people in comp.theory.

gds at best dot com
