Advice for a Second Ph.D. in Management
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2005-12-08 13:41:25 UTC
Reverred all,

I'm a part-time doctoral scholar in Business Administration from India.
I'll be completing my work in another 2 years. I want to pursue a full
time doctoral study in a reputed Business School in U.S. as I feel a
hiatus in my research fundamentals even now. I want to get it stronger
at the right environment. I got advices from others to do further
research, say in the form of Post-doctoral and then to ascend to a
tenure as multiple degrees in the same field may not be useful

But looking at a tenure professor career and ascending to it definitely
demands greater rigour
and fundamental knowledge which is what I lack. I may have to explain
the process of Part-time Ph.D in my university in India Perhaps. No
course work at all. As simple as that. you can have your candidacy the
moment you register for the part-time Ph.D(Even for the full-time same
is the case) course. It took a great deal of personal effort for me to
understand some basics in methodology and statistical tools. The
Supervisor can give me only a broad guide line in the way I have to do
the research(This varies from each supervisor of course). Now I'm able
to come out with some basic and decent work for my research project
which consumed tremendous amount of haphazard discussions with my
colleagues and thanks to some good internet sources and books. I can
still feel the big hiatus in my knowledge level. I want to bridge that
by doing a fulltime Ph.D in U.S and that to in a Ivy league Business
school with a financial aid, where they give more depth in course work.

Rather than looking at the self- indulged research with all
precariousness and to ascend for a tenure career, this I feel is more

Any valuable opinions, please welcome.
2005-12-27 22:39:08 UTC
Today, with access to jstor.org, any university can do the job.
What you really need to do is get published and keep getting
published. I have known folks with just one doctorate to skip through
several fields in one lifetime. One elder once told me the doctorate
proves you can concentrate on one subject. Once you prove it, who
cares any more. In America, you have to keep doing. It's what you just
finished that matters, not what you did long ago. Doing a second Ph D
is just going in circles. My father was a high class waiter and among
his colleagues were several PhDs, even some noblemen.

- = -
Vasos-Peter John Panagiotopoulos II, Columbia'81+, Bio$trategist
BachMozart ReaganQuayle EvrytanoKastorian
---{Nothing herein constitutes advice. Everything fully disclaimed.}---
Pataki+JebBush in 2008!
