(too old to reply)
2005-05-20 12:50:32 UTC
Testing, please ignore
2005-05-20 18:04:26 UTC
Glory ye on this holy date 20 May 2005 05:50:32 -0700
It came to pass when <***@gmail.com>
Hast spoken it in <***@g44g2000cwa.googlegroups.com>
And thee said unto news:alt.2600.warez
[Testing, please ignore

You're testing all those groups - not one has the word *test* in it.

news:alt.test is that a way! ------->
- --

Another fine post from TheApostle:

Specializing in conversation, obscured information, high explosives.
impracticable knowledge, political extremism, diverse sexuality.
nonsensical speculation, licentious contemplation, and wild rumours.

"Raw Data for Raw Nerves"
We dont want your forgiveness. We wont make excuses.
We're not going to blame you even if you are an accessory.
But we will not accept your natural order.

We didn't come for absolution. We didn't ask to be reveled.
But isn't that the way it is, every god damn time.
Your prayers are always answerd, in the order they're received.

Real Pirates are no pirates at all. They don't kill for their reputation
...they earn it.

2005-05-21 13:16:42 UTC
Hash: SHA1
Glory ye on this holy date 20 May 2005 05:50:32 -0700
And thee said unto news:alt.2600.warez
[Testing, please ignore
You're testing all those groups - not one has the word *test* in it.
news:alt.test is that a way! ------->
What a hypocrite!

From: TheApostle <likes-to-***@mailme.org>

"The guy is correcting the first person acting like he is the authority"

Message-ID: <***@nnrp.mynews-ownsyou.com>

You whine when others post something, thinking that they are saying that
they have some authority while you are the one who is acting like you
have some authority to tell people what to post, proving that you are a
fucked in the head douche bag.
2005-05-21 21:24:43 UTC
Glory ye on this holy date Sat, 21 May 2005 06:16:42 -0700
It came to pass when RJ <***@yaah0o.com>
Hast spoken it in <***@4ax.com>
And thee said unto news:alt.2600.warez
[In article <***@nnrp.mynews-ownsyou.com>
[TheApostle <likes-to-***@mailme.org> wrote:
[>Hash: SHA1
[>Glory ye on this holy date 20 May 2005 05:50:32 -0700
[>It came to pass when <***@gmail.com>
[>Hast spoken it in <***@g44g2000cwa.googlegroups.com>
[>And thee said unto news:alt.2600.warez
[>[Testing, please ignore
[>You're testing all those groups - not one has the word *test* in it.
[>news:alt.test is that a way! ------->
[What a hypocrite!

First of all you don't understand what a hypocrite is, if you did you
would not be (a) flaming (b) acting like the authority (c) spell laming
which demonstrates you _do not_ understand the word.

[From: TheApostle <likes-to-***@mailme.org>
[Message-ID: <***@nnrp.mynews-ownsyou.com>
["The guy is correcting the first person acting like he is the authority"
[You whine when others post something, thinking that they are saying that
[they have some authority while you are the one who is acting like you
[have some authority to tell people what to post, proving that you are a
[fucked in the head douche bag.

No John.. _you_ whined when other post things, not I. The person _corrected_
him on a subject which he thought he was an authority on, and I showed him
and you, and LSD, to be idiots on it.

It doesn't take a genuis, unless it is in your case, to figure out that you
make *test* posts in a test group. It doesn't take an authority on that
subject to point it out either. Just like it doesn't take an authority in
mental disorders to see you are a disturbed person.
- --

Another fine post from TheApostle:

Specializing in conversation, obscured information, high explosives.
impracticable knowledge, political extremism, diverse sexuality.
nonsensical speculation, licentious contemplation, and wild rumours.

"Raw Data for Raw Nerves"
We dont want your forgiveness. We wont make excuses.
We're not going to blame you even if you are an accessory.
But we will not accept your natural order.

We didn't come for absolution. We didn't ask to be reveled.
But isn't that the way it is, every god damn time.
Your prayers are always answerd, in the order they're received.

Real Pirates are no pirates at all. They don't kill for their reputation
...they earn it.

2005-05-22 14:45:28 UTC
Hash: SHA1
Glory ye on this holy date Sat, 21 May 2005 06:16:42 -0700
And thee said unto news:alt.2600.warez
[>Hash: SHA1
[>Glory ye on this holy date 20 May 2005 05:50:32 -0700
[>And thee said unto news:alt.2600.warez
[>[Testing, please ignore
[>You're testing all those groups - not one has the word *test* in it.
[>news:alt.test is that a way! ------->
[What a hypocrite!
First of all you don't understand what a hypocrite is,
Said someone who posts "english" and "contridiction" and cannot
comprehend simple English.
if you did you
would not be (a) flaming (b) acting like the authority (c) spell laming
Like you are doing?
Let take a look.

You are:

a. Flaming while telling others not to flame.
b. Acting like an authority, telling people not to post requests, test
messages, or anything that you don't like or think that should not be
c. Flaming for spelling while screwing up in the process, and I can post
messages that you did that in, if you deny it.

What does the above make, going by your own theory?
A hypocrite, that is right.
which demonstrates you _do not_ understand the word.
I don't "understand" the word as you see it.
I understand the word as it is defined in the good old English language.


4 entries found for hypocrite.
hyp·o·crite ( P ) Pronunciation Key (hp-krt)
A person given to hypocrisy.

[Middle English ipocrite, from Old French, from Late Latin hypocrita,
from Greek hupocrits, actor, from hupokrnesthai, to play a part,
pretend. See hypocrisy.]

Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language,
Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.


n : a person who professes beliefs and opinions that he does not hold
[syn: dissembler, phony, phoney, pretender]

Source: WordNet ® 2.0, © 2003 Princeton University

Read your own posts and see how the word hypocrite EXACTLY is the
correct word to describe you.

You tell others not to post serial numbers, while you have done in
several times, you tell others not to post binaries in non binary
newsgroups, while you were caught posting binaries in non binary
newsgroups like this one, you tell people not to flame and whine about
it, while your posts are nothing but flames and flame baits, and in fact
the common denominator in all the flame fests here is you.
You tell people not to flame for spelling but you conveniently do that
You tell people that they shouldn't tell others what to do, but your
posts tell them how to post, how to ask for software, when, where and
You whine like the bitch that you are claiming conspiracy and accuse
almost everyone of socking, while you got caught socking so many times
that it became obvious that you will sock whenever you are cornered,
which means everytime.

Therefore don't whine when you are called a hypocrite.
["The guy is correcting the first person acting like he is the authority"
[You whine when others post something, thinking that they are saying that
[they have some authority while you are the one who is acting like you
[have some authority to tell people what to post, proving that you are a
[fucked in the head douche bag.
No John.. _you_ whined when other post things,
not I.
Look at this thread for a close example, you retarded fuckhead,

You whined when someone posted a test message.

From: ***@gmail.com
Testing, please ignore
Date: 20 May 2005 05:50:32 -0700
Message-ID: <***@g44g2000cwa.googlegroups.com>

Testing, please ignore

You responded, whining like the bitch that you are.

From: TheApostle <likes-to-***@mailme.org>
Subject: Re: Testing
Date: Fri, 20 May 2005 14:04:26 -0400
Message-ID: <***@nnrp.mynews-ownsyou.com>

You're testing all those groups - not one has the word *test* in it.

news:alt.test is that a way! ------->

Good luck denying that you posted that.
The person _corrected_
him on a subject which he thought he was an authority on, and I showed him
and you, and LSD, to be idiots on it.
Different thread, shit stain,
And you were schooled on the basics of usenet, email, SMTP, NNTP, and
reading comprehension, but it was lost on you, and you bailed out of
that thread claiming that you have kill filed LSD since you were
outgunned and outclassed, as usual.
It doesn't take a genuis, unless it is in your case, to figure out that you
make *test* posts in a test group. It doesn't take an authority on that
subject to point it out either.
Yeah, but let's use the flawed thinking of a retard who said that this
is an alt newsgroup (or group as you refer to newsgroups) and therefore
there are no rules.
That makes you look more stupid trying to enforce a rule that doesn't
exist, following your own flawed thinking, doesn't it?

So either rules exist or they don't, which is it, Leslie?
You can't have it both ways.

If as you say that rules do not exist in alt newsgroups, then you cannot
flame people for posting anything in alt newsgroups.
If rules exist, then most of your posts do not adhere to the rules and
therefore you need to shut the fuck up, since no one appointed you as
the keeper of the rules.
Just like it doesn't take an authority in mental disorders
There is something like that?

"an authority in mental disorders"?

So mental disorders are laws, or something that you can control or rule,
therefore an authority exists in them or about them?

Damn those online translators, really making you look like the idiot you

At least try translating the flames that you plagiarize properly.
to see you are a disturbed person.
I am disturbed by seeing the incredible show of hypocrisy, low IQ,
stupid words and uncommon phrases, the lack of education, the kookyness,
and psychopathic behavior in your posts, who wouldn't be?

I am also disturbed by the fact that you are freely roaming the streets
and reading and posting on usenet instead of being where you belong, in
psychiatric care, who wouldn't be?

You are a psychopath, a stupid psychopath, and stalking others is your
goal in life, and since you don't have a life outside usenet, you are
locked for ever in being someone that everyone on usenet will piss on at
will, and own your ass for being a psychopathic retarded bitch.
