MS in embedded system/computer engineering for fall 2004
(too old to reply)
2003-09-11 04:40:47 UTC
I wants to do computer engineering /Ms in embedded systems with
specialization in real time systems can anyone give me ranking of USA
university in this field.also GRE score/dead lines requirements for
these. IS any fellowship is available
Marcus Ulpius Traianus
2003-09-26 09:04:11 UTC
Post by shakeel-ur-rehman
I wants to do computer engineering /Ms in embedded systems with
specialization in real time systems can anyone give me ranking of USA
university in this field.also GRE score/dead lines requirements for these.
IS any fellowship is available
Most of the deadlines are around Jan 1 to Jan 15, with a few of the top
schools having deadlines in mid-Nov through the end of December.

Departmental fellowships are rarely available to MS students at most
universities, although exceptions may be made for the best candidates; my
impression is that the better awards are reserved for Ph.D students.