(too old to reply)
Abhishek Agrawal
2003-07-16 23:46:38 UTC
I am a new mailer to this particular group so let me introduce
myself. I am Abhishek Agrawal, an international student from India,
currently in my fourth year as a computer science major with a biology
minor in Coastal Carolina University, South Carolina. I plan to apply
for an M.S. or an M.S./PhD in bioengineering/biomedical engineering.
However, as I am yet new to this process I have several questions:
1) Are there any chances of receiving financial aid for international
students in an M.S. program? If yes, then how?
2) In an M.S./PhD program is the PhD an optional or a necessary part
of the degree. What I actually mean is that suppose I have to quit
after an M.S., is that feasible or are you trained towards a PhD from
the very beginning in such a program?
3) Right now I am going to teach a class called bioinformatics 101 in
the Fall. Is that teaching experience going to help any?
4) In schools like UCSD, Berkeley or Upenn (the good ones) what are
the criteria on which an applicant is admitted (what must he
necessarily possess--teaching experience/research or both?)
5) Should one start contacting the professors at the graduate school
before applying--does that help?
6) Which are the best places for bioengineering/biomedical engineering
in USA?
Expecting to hear back soon,
Hank Murphy
2003-07-17 05:48:57 UTC
Abhishek Agrawal wrote in message
Post by Abhishek Agrawal
3) Right now I am going to teach a class called bioinformatics 101 in
the Fall. Is that teaching experience going to help any?
Very much so, especially if the target college has not taught it yet.
However, I think all the schools you've mentioned already have introductory
bioinformatics courses, but it is still a useful line on the resume.

Post by Abhishek Agrawal
6) Which are the best places for bioengineering/biomedical engineering
in USA?
In addition to the schools you've already mentioned, you might consider the
University of Southern California. Many biotech alumni. But the majors you
list paint a pretty broad stripe, and you might want to give more thought to
what areas within this major are of interest to you, then narrow down your
search from that.

You might also consider the Mayo Clinic - PhD only, but a full stipend, and
a good reputation.
Post by Abhishek Agrawal
Expecting to hear back soon,
No. You don't expect anything from people who don't know you and are taking
their own time to offer you advice. You hope to hear back soon.

Hank Murphy
speaking only for myself
