Do Blacks Deserve Billions for Slavery?
(too old to reply)
2005-03-26 11:20:49 UTC
Do Blacks Deserve Billions for Slavery?


No Black Reparations without Black Repatriation
by Gregory Krupey

Reparations have already been paid to blacks in the blood of White
soldiers, both Union and Confederate, killed in the Civil War, and an
entire section of our country devastated and uprooted in that
unnecessary war. No other country ever went to war with itself to free
slaves of an alien race. None in Africa ever will.

Reparations have been repeatedly paid since the passage of the 1964
Civil Rights Act that essentially made negroes wards of the state, a
Federally-protected and favored minority, through such anti-White
programs as welfare/workfare, affirmative action and set-asides,
quotas, Headstart, school integration, housing laws, and innumerable
other grants, loans, subsidies, perks, and preferential treatments
aimed at moving negroes en masse (instead of as individuals, as was
expected and demanded of Whites) into "equality" and prosperity. That
the vast majority of negroes have failed is proof that even with an
unfair advantage they are incapable of succeeding in a White society,
and the reparations now being proposed would be a colossal waste of

More African slaves were imported into, and died on plantations in
Brazil than in the United States. There is no attempt to sue Brazil
for reparations because the people directing this hoax know that you
can't squeeze blood from a turnip, only a golden goose.

Most African slaves were literally sold down the river by other
Africans, if not enemy tribesmen, then their own tribal chiefs and
relatives. (Slavery is still practiced in many parts of Africa.) They
were then sold to Europeans and Americans directly or through Arab
intermediaries. Most slaves that were brought to the American
colonies, and later the United States, came under the British, Dutch,
or Portuguese flags. A significant number of the slave traders were
Jews. Similarly, most White Americans did not own slaves, and the
ancestors of many current White citizens of the USA were not even
resident in the country until after the Civil War and the end of
slavery. Why should the latter pay for the former's actions?

Similarly, those White Americans who did own slaves were a small
number concentrated in one section of the country, and augmented by
both "Native American" and "free men of color" (mulattoes) who also
owned African slaves. There were also, contrary to conventional
wisdom, Whites who were slaves. Why not focus the demand for
reparations on the heirs and descendants of the former group and
include the heirs and descendants of the latter group in the share of
the proposed booty?

Contrary to negro mythology and the claims of reparations activists,
America was not built on the whip-lashed back of African slave labor.
The overwhelming majority of black slaves labored in the fields. They
did not pioneer the land from wilderness into farms and towns, they
did not build the roads, bridges, canals, railroads, and skyscrapers
of our great cities. They did not mine the coal, gold, silver, copper,
and other minerals. They did not smelt the ore and stoke the furnaces
and pour the molten steel to create the infrastructure of America's
industrial base. They did not work in the factories and turn out the
abundance of products that made this country's economy the envy of the
world. They did not invent the automobile, the electric light, the
camera, the radio, the airplane, the television, the microscope, the
computer, the rifle, the sewing machine, or anything else you care to
mention with the exception of peanut butter. They did not win this
country by blood and arms, striving with and defeating the British,
the Indians, the Mexicans, and anyone else who stood in our way. They
picked cotton! And where you can cite exceptions, this insignificant
minority was paid for their time and trouble just like their White
compatriots. White men built this country, not African slaves.

Those negroes who have managed to become millionaires through their
dubious "talents" would also receive reparations, making fat cats like
Michael Jordan, Michael Jackson, Ophra Winfrey, Bill Cosby, Prince,
Aretha Franklin, Whitney Houston, Colin Powell, Spike Lee, and any
hip-hop thug you could mention even richer than the free enterprise
system and the bad taste of millions of people, White as well as
black, have already done.

Blacks should actually pay reparations to Whites for all the damage
their very presence in this country has caused. Black athletes, with
their trashtalk, smashmouth, jiveass dancing fits have destroyed White
standards of sportsmanship. Black styles of attire, deportment and
"music" has caused a degeneration in the morals, taste, and self-
identity of White youth, resulting in the pathetic creature known as
the 'wigger". Black crime rates have sent the US crime rate above the
national average of any other civilized (i.e., White) society, with
the exception of South Africa (same problem, more of it). Interracial
rape is almost entirely black male on white female, and contrary to
the liberal media's propaganda, interracial "hate crimes" are
overwhelmingly a black-on-white phenomenon.

Negroes have turned our once great cities into unlivable hellholes of
poverty, crime, and decay. Example: downtown Detroit looks like
downtown Beirut. No conventional war produced that disaster area, only
the slow-motion guerilla race war that occurs wherever negroes move
into any area. It is no coincidence that the gradual and general decay
of American society in all areas, from manners to sexual morality to
drug addiction to welfare statism to street violence to sadistic
crimes to ever more vulgar "entertainment" and ever more cacophonous
"music" has risen (rather, fallen) in tandem with the progress of
civil rights legislation and the increasing negroization of American
culture. If you think a civilization can be built and sustained on
jazz, blues, bas'etball, and drive-by shootings, you can support
reparations. If not, you must oppose them.

Reparations are not a moral or ethical issue, they are power politics.
Most White people sense this even if they haven't given it much
thought. Do you really think that those influential interests pushing
for this legalized blackmail of White America don't have an ulterior
motive? Even Jesse Jackson knows that putting this vast amount of
money in the hands of the black masses would be worse than useless if
they are allowed to spend it without direction.

The negro elite and their White liberal traitor allies have every
intention of making sure this money will be directed into a specific
agenda, to dispossess and undermine what remains of the White
political base in this country. Reparations are but one weapon in the
arsenal of that force that has long desired to transform the United
States into a multiracial melting pot and Whites into a powerless,
dwindling minority in their own country. This force, that controls the
black elite and the White liberals, happily uses the negroes as the
club with which to beat Whites senseless. Reparations are theft!
Reparations are war!

At least 80% of White Americans oppose reparations. How much longer do
you think Whites will tolerate this madness? More and more of us are
becoming fed up with negrophile politics. While Negro thugs kidnap,
rape, rob, and murder Whites out of their own homes (Wichita),
attacking Whites at random, just for fun (Seattle), or rampaging and
looting an entire city as a form of "protest" (Cincinnati), fools have
the audacity to prattle on about reparations.

No justice, no peace? It cuts both ways. The attempt to enforce
reparations for negroes could well prove the spark that finally
ignites a race war, or an armed uprising. If reparations will be paid,
we Whites will be compensated in return: all negroes who accept
reparations must be required to surrender their American citizenship,
and repatriated to the lands of their origin, without possibility of
return. It is, after all, the logical outcome of African-American
pride and the demands for reparations.

If being torn away from Mother Africa to serve as slaves in a foreign
land was the primal catastrophe that has crippled the black psyche for
so long, as many Afrocentrics have claimed, then the only solution,
the only possible healing is to return to the womb land. Marcus Garvey
certainly thought so. A negro-free America will be the first giant
step to reclaim our stolen heritage and the resumption of our
interrupted journey to greatness. As the first American Revolution was
sparked by the battle cry of "No taxation without representation!",
for these reasons I say, No Black Reparations without Black
' ' NINJA '/ '
2005-03-26 11:45:11 UTC
Post by w***@dodgeit.com
Do Blacks Deserve Billions for Slavery?
No Black Reparations without Black Repatriation
by Gregory Krupey
Reparations have already been paid to blacks in the blood of White
soldiers, both Union and Confederate, killed in the Civil War, and an
entire section of our country devastated and uprooted in that
unnecessary war. No other country ever went to war with itself to free
slaves of an alien race. None in Africa ever will.
Reparations have been repeatedly paid since the passage of the 1964
Civil Rights Act that essentially made negroes wards of the state, a
Federally-protected and favored minority, through such anti-White
programs as welfare/workfare, affirmative action and set-asides,
quotas, Headstart, school integration, housing laws, and innumerable
other grants, loans, subsidies, perks, and preferential treatments
aimed at moving negroes en masse (instead of as individuals, as was
expected and demanded of Whites) into "equality" and prosperity. That
the vast majority of negroes have failed is proof that even with an
unfair advantage they are incapable of succeeding in a White society,
and the reparations now being proposed would be a colossal waste of
More African slaves were imported into, and died on plantations in
Brazil than in the United States. There is no attempt to sue Brazil
for reparations because the people directing this hoax know that you
can't squeeze blood from a turnip, only a golden goose.
Most African slaves were literally sold down the river by other
Africans, if not enemy tribesmen, then their own tribal chiefs and
relatives. (Slavery is still practiced in many parts of Africa.) They
were then sold to Europeans and Americans directly or through Arab
intermediaries. Most slaves that were brought to the American
colonies, and later the United States, came under the British, Dutch,
or Portuguese flags. A significant number of the slave traders were
Jews. Similarly, most White Americans did not own slaves, and the
ancestors of many current White citizens of the USA were not even
resident in the country until after the Civil War and the end of
slavery. Why should the latter pay for the former's actions?
Similarly, those White Americans who did own slaves were a small
number concentrated in one section of the country, and augmented by
both "Native American" and "free men of color" (mulattoes) who also
owned African slaves. There were also, contrary to conventional
wisdom, Whites who were slaves. Why not focus the demand for
reparations on the heirs and descendants of the former group and
include the heirs and descendants of the latter group in the share of
the proposed booty?
Contrary to negro mythology and the claims of reparations activists,
America was not built on the whip-lashed back of African slave labor.
The overwhelming majority of black slaves labored in the fields. They
did not pioneer the land from wilderness into farms and towns, they
did not build the roads, bridges, canals, railroads, and skyscrapers
of our great cities. They did not mine the coal, gold, silver, copper,
and other minerals. They did not smelt the ore and stoke the furnaces
and pour the molten steel to create the infrastructure of America's
industrial base. They did not work in the factories and turn out the
abundance of products that made this country's economy the envy of the
world. They did not invent the automobile, the electric light, the
camera, the radio, the airplane, the television, the microscope, the
computer, the rifle, the sewing machine, or anything else you care to
mention with the exception of peanut butter. They did not win this
country by blood and arms, striving with and defeating the British,
the Indians, the Mexicans, and anyone else who stood in our way. They
picked cotton! And where you can cite exceptions, this insignificant
minority was paid for their time and trouble just like their White
compatriots. White men built this country, not African slaves.
Those negroes who have managed to become millionaires through their
dubious "talents" would also receive reparations, making fat cats like
Michael Jordan, Michael Jackson, Ophra Winfrey, Bill Cosby, Prince,
Aretha Franklin, Whitney Houston, Colin Powell, Spike Lee, and any
hip-hop thug you could mention even richer than the free enterprise
system and the bad taste of millions of people, White as well as
black, have already done.
Blacks should actually pay reparations to Whites for all the damage
their very presence in this country has caused. Black athletes, with
their trashtalk, smashmouth, jiveass dancing fits have destroyed White
standards of sportsmanship. Black styles of attire, deportment and
"music" has caused a degeneration in the morals, taste, and self-
identity of White youth, resulting in the pathetic creature known as
the 'wigger". Black crime rates have sent the US crime rate above the
national average of any other civilized (i.e., White) society, with
the exception of South Africa (same problem, more of it). Interracial
rape is almost entirely black male on white female, and contrary to
the liberal media's propaganda, interracial "hate crimes" are
overwhelmingly a black-on-white phenomenon.
Negroes have turned our once great cities into unlivable hellholes of
poverty, crime, and decay. Example: downtown Detroit looks like
downtown Beirut. No conventional war produced that disaster area, only
the slow-motion guerilla race war that occurs wherever negroes move
into any area. It is no coincidence that the gradual and general decay
of American society in all areas, from manners to sexual morality to
drug addiction to welfare statism to street violence to sadistic
crimes to ever more vulgar "entertainment" and ever more cacophonous
"music" has risen (rather, fallen) in tandem with the progress of
civil rights legislation and the increasing negroization of American
culture. If you think a civilization can be built and sustained on
jazz, blues, bas'etball, and drive-by shootings, you can support
reparations. If not, you must oppose them.
Reparations are not a moral or ethical issue, they are power politics.
Most White people sense this even if they haven't given it much
thought. Do you really think that those influential interests pushing
for this legalized blackmail of White America don't have an ulterior
motive? Even Jesse Jackson knows that putting this vast amount of
money in the hands of the black masses would be worse than useless if
they are allowed to spend it without direction.
The negro elite and their White liberal traitor allies have every
intention of making sure this money will be directed into a specific
agenda, to dispossess and undermine what remains of the White
political base in this country. Reparations are but one weapon in the
arsenal of that force that has long desired to transform the United
States into a multiracial melting pot and Whites into a powerless,
dwindling minority in their own country. This force, that controls the
black elite and the White liberals, happily uses the negroes as the
club with which to beat Whites senseless. Reparations are theft!
Reparations are war!
At least 80% of White Americans oppose reparations. How much longer do
you think Whites will tolerate this madness? More and more of us are
becoming fed up with negrophile politics. While Negro thugs kidnap,
rape, rob, and murder Whites out of their own homes (Wichita),
attacking Whites at random, just for fun (Seattle), or rampaging and
looting an entire city as a form of "protest" (Cincinnati), fools have
the audacity to prattle on about reparations.
No justice, no peace? It cuts both ways. The attempt to enforce
reparations for negroes could well prove the spark that finally
ignites a race war, or an armed uprising. If reparations will be paid,
we Whites will be compensated in return: all negroes who accept
reparations must be required to surrender their American citizenship,
and repatriated to the lands of their origin, without possibility of
return. It is, after all, the logical outcome of African-American
pride and the demands for reparations.
If being torn away from Mother Africa to serve as slaves in a foreign
land was the primal catastrophe that has crippled the black psyche for
so long, as many Afrocentrics have claimed, then the only solution,
the only possible healing is to return to the womb land. Marcus Garvey
certainly thought so. A negro-free America will be the first giant
step to reclaim our stolen heritage and the resumption of our
interrupted journey to greatness. As the first American Revolution was
sparked by the battle cry of "No taxation without representation!",
for these reasons I say, No Black Reparations without Black
let me guess who's next on you list

jews seeking reparations from the nazi's ?

/ /.
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/ / \ POOP
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/ / / / /
___/___________/ /_________________________________]-------\
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oh hell

the dangerous earth

if it aint one godits an other

they want to behead yuorrr nother

make him wi=hine or whatever

the body's in iraq iran from

john smothers he smelld

like the notion that isolate

france the pee in the strets their

it gets all ove rthere clothing

im seriosly taking myself

oh hell i can even read

my own fukkin lanquqe

i can;t hype it

i can smell it oh hell

the dangerous newsgroup
2005-03-29 09:24:51 UTC
Post by w***@dodgeit.com
Do Blacks Deserve Billions for Slavery?
No Black Reparations without Black Repatriation
by Gregory Krupey
Reparations have already been paid to blacks in the blood of White
soldiers, both Union and Confederate, killed in the Civil War, and an
entire section of our country devastated and uprooted in that
unnecessary war. No other country ever went to war with itself to free
slaves of an alien race. None in Africa ever will.
Reparations have been repeatedly paid since the passage of the 1964
Civil Rights Act that essentially made negroes wards of the state, a
Federally-protected and favored minority, through such anti-White
programs as welfare/workfare, affirmative action and set-asides,
quotas, Headstart, school integration, housing laws, and innumerable
other grants, loans, subsidies, perks, and preferential treatments
aimed at moving negroes en masse (instead of as individuals, as was
expected and demanded of Whites) into "equality" and prosperity. That
the vast majority of negroes have failed is proof that even with an
unfair advantage they are incapable of succeeding in a White society,
and the reparations now being proposed would be a colossal waste of
More African slaves were imported into, and died on plantations in
Brazil than in the United States. There is no attempt to sue Brazil
for reparations because the people directing this hoax know that you
can't squeeze blood from a turnip, only a golden goose.
Most African slaves were literally sold down the river by other
Africans, if not enemy tribesmen, then their own tribal chiefs and
relatives. (Slavery is still practiced in many parts of Africa.) They
were then sold to Europeans and Americans directly or through Arab
intermediaries. Most slaves that were brought to the American
colonies, and later the United States, came under the British, Dutch,
or Portuguese flags. A significant number of the slave traders were
Jews. Similarly, most White Americans did not own slaves, and the
ancestors of many current White citizens of the USA were not even
resident in the country until after the Civil War and the end of
slavery. Why should the latter pay for the former's actions?
Similarly, those White Americans who did own slaves were a small
number concentrated in one section of the country, and augmented by
both "Native American" and "free men of color" (mulattoes) who also
owned African slaves. There were also, contrary to conventional
wisdom, Whites who were slaves. Why not focus the demand for
reparations on the heirs and descendants of the former group and
include the heirs and descendants of the latter group in the share of
the proposed booty?
Contrary to negro mythology and the claims of reparations activists,
America was not built on the whip-lashed back of African slave labor.
The overwhelming majority of black slaves labored in the fields. They
did not pioneer the land from wilderness into farms and towns, they
did not build the roads, bridges, canals, railroads, and skyscrapers
of our great cities. They did not mine the coal, gold, silver, copper,
and other minerals. They did not smelt the ore and stoke the furnaces
and pour the molten steel to create the infrastructure of America's
industrial base. They did not work in the factories and turn out the
abundance of products that made this country's economy the envy of the
world. They did not invent the automobile, the electric light, the
camera, the radio, the airplane, the television, the microscope, the
computer, the rifle, the sewing machine, or anything else you care to
mention with the exception of peanut butter. They did not win this
country by blood and arms, striving with and defeating the British,
the Indians, the Mexicans, and anyone else who stood in our way. They
picked cotton! And where you can cite exceptions, this insignificant
minority was paid for their time and trouble just like their White
compatriots. White men built this country, not African slaves.
Those negroes who have managed to become millionaires through their
dubious "talents" would also receive reparations, making fat cats like
Michael Jordan, Michael Jackson, Ophra Winfrey, Bill Cosby, Prince,
Aretha Franklin, Whitney Houston, Colin Powell, Spike Lee, and any
hip-hop thug you could mention even richer than the free enterprise
system and the bad taste of millions of people, White as well as
black, have already done.
Blacks should actually pay reparations to Whites for all the damage
their very presence in this country has caused. Black athletes, with
their trashtalk, smashmouth, jiveass dancing fits have destroyed White
standards of sportsmanship. Black styles of attire, deportment and
"music" has caused a degeneration in the morals, taste, and self-
identity of White youth, resulting in the pathetic creature known as
the 'wigger". Black crime rates have sent the US crime rate above the
national average of any other civilized (i.e., White) society, with
the exception of South Africa (same problem, more of it). Interracial
rape is almost entirely black male on white female, and contrary to
the liberal media's propaganda, interracial "hate crimes" are
overwhelmingly a black-on-white phenomenon.
Negroes have turned our once great cities into unlivable hellholes of
poverty, crime, and decay. Example: downtown Detroit looks like
downtown Beirut. No conventional war produced that disaster area, only
the slow-motion guerilla race war that occurs wherever negroes move
into any area. It is no coincidence that the gradual and general decay
of American society in all areas, from manners to sexual morality to
drug addiction to welfare statism to street violence to sadistic
crimes to ever more vulgar "entertainment" and ever more cacophonous
"music" has risen (rather, fallen) in tandem with the progress of
civil rights legislation and the increasing negroization of American
culture. If you think a civilization can be built and sustained on
jazz, blues, bas'etball, and drive-by shootings, you can support
reparations. If not, you must oppose them.
Reparations are not a moral or ethical issue, they are power politics.
Most White people sense this even if they haven't given it much
thought. Do you really think that those influential interests pushing
for this legalized blackmail of White America don't have an ulterior
motive? Even Jesse Jackson knows that putting this vast amount of
money in the hands of the black masses would be worse than useless if
they are allowed to spend it without direction.
The negro elite and their White liberal traitor allies have every
intention of making sure this money will be directed into a specific
agenda, to dispossess and undermine what remains of the White
political base in this country. Reparations are but one weapon in the
arsenal of that force that has long desired to transform the United
States into a multiracial melting pot and Whites into a powerless,
dwindling minority in their own country. This force, that controls the
black elite and the White liberals, happily uses the negroes as the
club with which to beat Whites senseless. Reparations are theft!
Reparations are war!
At least 80% of White Americans oppose reparations. How much longer do
you think Whites will tolerate this madness? More and more of us are
becoming fed up with negrophile politics. While Negro thugs kidnap,
rape, rob, and murder Whites out of their own homes (Wichita),
attacking Whites at random, just for fun (Seattle), or rampaging and
looting an entire city as a form of "protest" (Cincinnati), fools have
the audacity to prattle on about reparations.
No justice, no peace? It cuts both ways. The attempt to enforce
reparations for negroes could well prove the spark that finally
ignites a race war, or an armed uprising. If reparations will be paid,
we Whites will be compensated in return: all negroes who accept
reparations must be required to surrender their American citizenship,
and repatriated to the lands of their origin, without possibility of
return. It is, after all, the logical outcome of African-American
pride and the demands for reparations.
If being torn away from Mother Africa to serve as slaves in a foreign
land was the primal catastrophe that has crippled the black psyche for
so long, as many Afrocentrics have claimed, then the only solution,
the only possible healing is to return to the womb land. Marcus Garvey
certainly thought so. A negro-free America will be the first giant
step to reclaim our stolen heritage and the resumption of our
interrupted journey to greatness. As the first American Revolution was
sparked by the battle cry of "No taxation without representation!",
for these reasons I say, No Black Reparations without Black
let me guess who's next on you list

jews seeking reparations from the nazi's ?
2005-03-01 - Ninja has been banned from the tracker and the forum now he is trying, as "the_angel", to discredit the zappateers with his lies on zappa.com, what a shame for the whole zappa community.
everyone who did download from our tracker knows we never would tolerate any post containing an official release. anyone can revise this in downloading the posts.
we call up the whole zappa community to ignore him, his lies and his seeds in the future.

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/ O O\ | feed the |
/ \ | Zappaqueer's |
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